The OWL Board members voted unanimously to invest in this product to help mitigate the ongoing algae issues in our lake.
Each riparian will receive a kit with all the materials needed to install 3 filters on your docks or boat lifts.
NOTE: All filters must be removed from the water no later than October 31, 2024. Please do not leave them in; they cannot freeze in the water. See some information below about storage and cleaning the product. We will give you more instructions after the first of the year on how to get your new filter. Please keep these 3, you may place 4 in next year or return 1 to get a new one.
Instructions: See Below NEW INFORMATION ADDED 9/19/24
About the product:
Eden Lake’s Timberchar™, is the only EPA-approved, organic, specially modified and enhanced Biochar on the market capable of removing and storing nutrients like phosphorus and nitrogen. This product addresses a critical gap in nutrient management. By converting pollutants into a resource that can be used as soil amendments, Eden Lakes Timberchar™ not only cleans water but also contributes to the circular economy, reducing waste and enhancing agricultural productivity.
Why TimberChar™?
TimberChar™ emerged from the need to distinguish our high-grade product from commonly available biochars, which varied significantly in quality and effectiveness. Choosing TimberChar™ ensures you are selecting a premium, tested, and proven product. Our use of exclusively recycled timber, sourced from environmentally conscious means such as beetle-killed pine trees or reclaimed wood pellets, ensures each batch of TimberChar™ is not only sustainable but superior in quality.
Unparalleled Certification and Assurance
TimberChar™ is proud to be the only char product in the United States that has received approvals and certifications from the EPA and USDA, along with an organic certification. This recognition is a testament to the consistent quality and safety of TimberChar™, positioning it as a leader in the environmental solutions industry.
Cutting-Edge Technology
The breakthrough in TimberChar™ technology involves a patented production process that combines high-temperature fast pyrolysis with a prolonged exposure in a partial vacuum. This innovative method yields a product with unique properties, including a vast surface area—470 square yards per gram—and dual charge capacities (CEC and AEC), allowing it to effectively attract and bind various pollutants, including both nutrients and salts.
Practical Applications and Real-World Impact
The efficiency of TimberChar™ is not just theoretical but has proven practical applications. It’s capable of removing a broad spectrum of pollutants from water bodies, such as phosphates, nitrates, salts, microplastics, heavy metals, PFAS, and other commercial pollutants. This not only restores the ecological balance of lakes but also enhances their recreational and residential appeal. Residents of lakes treated with TimberChar™ have reported significant improvements in water quality and property values, affirming the effectiveness of our product.

- Use a pair of pliers to tighten zip ties on the ends as much as possible.

2. Place in water, ideally in a location where the water can move through it. Movement helps clear the water and stop algae blooms.

3. IF the water is LESS THAN 4 FEET deep, hang the filter horizontally on the float provided.

4. IF the water is GREATER THAN 4 FEET deep, hang the filter vertically from one end *** Sometimes it takes 24-48 hours for the filters to absorb enough water to go down, and they will go down.***

- DO NOT place in a location where the filter may rub against or be pushed into docks, boats, the ground or other structures. Take water movement into consideration. The filters will not last if subjected to abrasion.
- DO NOT place near moving parts of boats or boat lifts.
Cleaning the Filters
Riparians may wonder how to clean these TimberChar filters as they remove them from the lake. I took time today to pull one of my filters out of the water. I then put it back in the water and gently rubbed my hand over the outside of the filter. This resulted in the second picture taken of my filter on the dock with most of the growth removed from the outside of the filter. It was pretty easy to do.
