Types of Weeds
Plant and Algae Identification
Frequency of applications
OWL applies for a permit for chemical application for weed control every year. Treatment notices are included in the newsletter which changes every year. PLEASE!! take time to read this very important notice. It lists the Chemicals the applicator MAY use to control ONLY THE NON-NATIVE INVASIVE VEGETATION AND TO CONTROL VARIOUS ALGAE BLOOMS that may be present in the lake. The information regarding the water usage restrictions, such as swimming, garden, and turf irrigation, associated with each chemical is posted one day prior to treatment in the lakeside yard. Please look for the bright yellow signs on the lake side of your property that are referenced in the TREATMENT NOTICE.
Aqua Weed Control along with the board president, do annual surveys in May to identify areas that will require treatment. Treatments are not scheduled on weekends or Holidays.
How You Can Help Reduce Weeds
Don’t Fertilize your Lawns
Many homeowners work hard to get beautiful lawns, but your fertilizer is a culprit in our weed problem. Did you know that if you use the water from the lake, you are getting all the nutrients you need from the lake water?
Fire Pits
Burning your leaves or wood near the lake is also discouraged for the health of the lake. Take precautions to contain any runoff of ashes into the lake by placing a fire ring or other containment.
Lawn Clippings and Leaves
Make sure you are not dropping cut grass or leaves into the lake, this also promotes weed growth.